ul. Główna 1, 58-530 Kowary

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Today leading full-range supplier for innovative timber-construction connections, PITZL can look back at 25 years experience. The company started like a lot of others in a garage. Nearly 30 years ago the first post-connectors were manufactured by the today's senior boss. The first order with 50 post-bases was produced on demand for a carpenter in the vicinity. After renting a converted vehicle hall, in 1991 the construction of the new building in Altheim was attacked. Since 2001 the tried and trusted - from then on continually further developed - HVP-connectors are successful on the market, of course with a comprehensive technical approval like legally required. Wood-wood, wood-concrete and wood-steel connections are likewise considered in the approval of the HVP-connectors system such as fire protection. A continual development and experiences from practice let grow the post-bases range to the today's state too.
"For each use, a suitable concept" is the credo by PITZL. Important questions are ruled in the new European Technical Approvals for the entire range of CE-products. Beside the core market in the German-speaking area, like Germany, Switzerland and Austria, PITZL exports today among others towards Italia, Canada, Poland, France and Benelux countries.